Monday, May 2, 2011

Random animal studies

T Rex

Both done digitally to try and make more of a transition from traditional media

The Legend of Quintoo

The Hunt

The Great Battle


The legend of Quintoo was done the same way as the God of War piece was done. These were composed of graphite on board.

God of war tribute painting

This is not an original image of mine, I would give credit to who created it originally, but I don't know his or her name. Anyway I drew this with pencil on board just to see if I could. It came out relatively nice and I really cant wait to finish it sometime.

The Great Beyond


The Gods

Both of these paintings were done for a study on texture, and how different materials can cause various effects of paint.

The Beginning of my Illustrated Lifestyle

Hell's Gates

The Abyss


The Dante's Inferno Series which was done entirely on cold press board with graphite and ink.

Noose of color which is a self portrait was my first attempt at water colors, which I found to be quite liberating from my usual oil painting styles. Ink was placed down to show original shadows and depth and glazed over with the paint afterwards.

Kukabara in that good old gum tree.
This project was based off of a children's book rhyme that I adapted into a more serious horror scene. The image was mostly done with ink on hot press board. After this primary step I added different washes of water color to give the trees a more textured feel.

Clinophobia aka the fear of beds.
This project was done mostly of colored pencils and inks that I added on top of my original sketch.